who am i

Omar Veras, known by his stage name Rauli V, is a Dominican-American singer, songwriter & musician. He is primary known from his singles “Can’t Feel” and “Bonnie & Clyde” which sparked the scene to take note on the culture he was creating in the Baltimore/DC area. He released his commercial debut EP Breathe; on January 28th 2022 and is set to release his next series of singles in the Summer of 2022.

Rauli was born in New York City and spent most of his early age living in Manhattan while spending his summers in Washington, D.C. at his grandmothers house in Uptown. He did this until the age of 8 where his parents decided to move to Dominica Republic in hopes of their children learning their native toungue and identifying with their families roots hailing from Nagua.

eventually at age eleven rauli started to play guitar and proceeded in joining a local tribute band. This tribute band was called “No Salvation” which was the temperature of music in Dominica Republic at the time. Unlike the U.S. when you become a musician in D.R. you already know you won’t become anything of note.

No Salvation would play covers of bands such as thrice, sum 41, System of a Down, pennywise and the offspring. after a few years of shows rauli wrote his first song called “El Chimi” and right after that he moved back to the states.

instead of moving back to NYC, Rauli ended up moving outside of DC to a place called Maryland. his musical spark started to emerge and here he proceeded in joining many bands ranging from go-go & Neo soul to ska & pop punk. finally he ended up singing for a post-hardcore band where he began to work on his live presence as a frontman.

after five successful years supporting headliners on tour and the punk scene in the dc, Maryland & virginia area rauli started to have thoughts of bridging his current following closer to his culture.

this is where “Rauli V” was born emerging from the pandemic taking that soul punk passion with post hardcore riffs he learned from his past but adding his spanglish swag with every cadence he would hit.

the name “rauli” comes from his middle name “Larraulis”. he decided to take this name to pay respect to his grandmother who passed a few years prior and would always call him this for short.

Music doesn’t care where you come from…it only cares to connect you with those who understand and feel the same as you do no matter your color or kin”

- Rauli V

Rauli is a new face on the roster of black Alternatives making a change for the masses in the underground scene. Afro-punk called him “Anthemic” while on YouTube his music video on "Can't Feel" soared within the first two weeks. Still in his freshmen year he released his first EP titled, “Breathe” giving you a taste of what avenues are to come in the future with his unique style.